The E1 Visa, commonly known as Treaty Traders visa, is reserved for foreign individuals intending to enter and work inside of the United States based on a trading commerce an applicant will be conducting while inside the country. This type of visa provides a feasible option for international traders actively engaged or seeking to engage in the trade of goods, services, technology, transportation, tourism and other values with the United States.

As the major requirement for the E1 Visa, an applicant must demonstrate that more than 50 percent of his or her trading company’s international trade will be conducted between the United States and the treaty country of the applicant’s citizenship. In addition, the company performing the trading with the United States must be at least 50 percent owned by citizens of the same country as the applicant trader the visa is granted to.

Aspire Planning Group prides on providing personalized services that include unlimited business plan revisions. Our services may help you meet and exceed USCIS requirements and improve your chances of obtaining E1 Visa approval. Feel free to contact us.

E1 Visa Business Plan

Full Price: US $1,500. (1st draft delivery in up to 10 business days upon obtaining all relevant documentation from the client)